Sunday, January 9, 2011

Schmooze Round Up

We had a good number in attendance Saturday for the January Schmooze held at the Florence-Lauderdale Public Library. I would like to thank Heather Montgomery for presenting: Your Path to Publication" If you missed it you can view her power point presentation for one week at her website:

I would also like to thank Pat Weaver for providing the delicious homemade chicken salad.

Freebies were available that included the benefits of belong to SCBWI and pamphlets to sign up. Magazine were also available for market research that we are always encouraged to do.
Door prizes were given.

Heather described the different markets that were out there and how to create a package to send to an editor or publisher and also discussed other jobs that could come them.

Upcoming Events:
Schmooze In Huntsville
January 29, 2011 1-3pm
Speaker: Hester Bass
topic: Perfecting your Pitch
for more information contact Melanie Smith at

Picture Book Intensive: The Art Behind the Words a Day devoted to the Serious Writer
Friday, October 14,2011 This will be held in conjunction with WIK-Writing and Illustrating for Kids Fall ?Conference held in Hoover, Al at Spain Park School. For more information:


Patricia J. Weaver said...

I love being in a room with so many young (as in taking baby steps in writing venture) and so many published writers... It was great to see Mary Ann and Heather and Melanie. Thanks to you Sheila for doing events like this one for the local writers

Julie Musil said...

These all sound like such great events! I love being around other writers at conferences. I always come home so energized.

Irene Latham said...

Sounds like a good meeting, Sheila! You're good at this schmooze stuff. :)

  It has been five years since I last posted. We have moved once again, hopefully for the last time. When we were moving in, we were welcome...