Sunday, January 10, 2016

2016 One Little Word

My mother, Vera Brazil and me in 1985 in California visiting my mom's sister Faye Redding
I have two friends that blog and each year they choose OLW(one little word) to define, inspire and guide them for the year. Irene Latham's OLW is DELIGHT. Visit her blog to read about all things that delight and are delightful
Patricia Weaver's OLW is INSPIRE. For inspiration throughout the year, visit her blog.

So what is my OLW for 2016? It is FAITH! Why? Because we have to have faith in our work to send it out to be read by others. There were other words I thought about like courage, perseverance or persistence, but I'm being sentimental today.
I said goodbye to Mom on December 28th. She had faith in her six children, but more important she had faith in GOD and shared this with us. Her sweet smile and laughter will be missed. Her joy in spite of a stroke that left her paralyzed on the right side, did not stop her from learning to write with her left hand and send out Birthday cards. She doubled up on reading God's word.
She loved reading my short essays and stories.
So for you Mom, this year is a year of Faith for me.

Please share your OLW or books you have been reading. What craft books would you like to see reviewed this year?
Don't forget to sign up in the rafflecoptor to win one of the two books for January's book giveaway.

See you next week when hopefully I will be less sentimental.


Catch My Words said...

I just finished reading Crossing Jordan, the book I won from you. I really enjoyed it but was a little bothered by the timing. The prejudices were so strong that I thought I was reading historical fiction. I was jarred when someone mention computers and the internet. Anyway, the book was well worth the read. Thank you.

Sheila Renfro said...

Thank you for the review!

Patricia J. Weaver said...

What a great word for your new year.... faith... in mankind, your abilities, in family, work, God. You go friend... one step at a time and never look back

Evelyn said...

Sheila, I'm sorry about your loss. Your mom sounds like she was a beautiful person. I'm glad you were blessed to have her as a parent.

I like your word for the year--FAITH. It embodies so much in just 5 little letters.

I think I'm going to choose 'rainbow' as my word. I know lots of people have other associations for this word, but for me rainbow is simply the amazing arc of colors that God chose to put in the sky to give us hope after the flood. There are lots of hard things in this life (and I'm sure 2016 will have its share), but God symbolically gives us the rainbow to assure us he's with us through them all and that there are better things in the future for us.

BTW, in October when we were flying to SD for my nephew's wedding, I looked down from my plane window and saw a circular rainbow with the shadow of the plane right in the middle. An incredible sight! It was as if God was encircling us with his love.