Friday, July 16, 2010

Part One Materials-ICL

In part one of the Institute of Children's Literature along with the course manual I received "Best of the Children's Market" and "From Inspiration to Publication".
The "Best Of the Children's Market" is invaluable as a study guide. This is a collection of stories that have been published. It tells the word count, magazine it appeared in, genre, and a personal note from the author.

When I read a story or nonfiction article in a magazine I often wonder "How many words is that, exactly?" This book tells you. It is also categorized by age and fiction and nonfiction.

The book: "From Inspiration to Publication" is also a good tool. It has articles to help you as a writer from beginning, characters, plotting and even researching. I have chapters assigned to read by the course work.

I have tabbed pages for quick reference and underlined and written notes in this book. It is well worn and I'm only halfway through the course.

1 comment:

Patricia J. Weaver said...

I loved the assignment that makes you flesh out the character

  It has been five years since I last posted. We have moved once again, hopefully for the last time. When we were moving in, we were welcome...