Sunday, December 28, 2014

Putting Away Christmas

I remember as a kid growing up looking forward to Christmas. It seemed the last day of school would never come. And that is how this Christmas was for me. I waited and counted the days before the last day of work. Getting last minute presents wrapped, bags packed and dog taken care of.
For a few short days I lived the dream I had been longing and waiting for. To see my Mom, by sisters and my boys.
It went by in a flash and as I packed away the tree and ornaments I reflected on maybe I wasn't the only one that had this feeling. The joy was gone. It was back to the grind.
But maybe, just maybe that is why New Years resolutions came to be. It gives you something positive to focus on, to look forward to.

I know many have given up on New Years resolutions because they simply can't keep them. but what about goals? Is there anything you would like to accomplish in the year to come. Anything you would like to look back on and say "I accomplished this? I set a goal, I mapped it out and I did it?"
It gives me a burst of energy, a "I can" attitude. It fills me with joy and hope that some things can be changed!

So I'm thinking about what do I want for next year...

to be continued

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