Sunday, January 18, 2015

Nightmares! by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller

Product Details

Ready for the second book that will be given away this month? It is Nightmares by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller.

There are two more weeks before the book give aways.
The first book is Writing the Cozy Mystery by Nancy J. Cohen.
Don't forget to leave a comment for your chance to win.

Now back to Nightmares!
I'm a dreamer and sometimes those dreams are wonderful, and I never want to wake to up. Then again some are nightmares, and I'm so glad I can wake up.
When Charlie Laird dreams, they are all nightmares. They get so bad that even though he is awake, he is still having nightmares. He doesn't want to confide in his friends, his
Dad doesn't understand, and his brother thinks everything is fine as long as he can wear the Captain America costume his Mom made for Charlie.
It's not until Charlie crosses over to the Netherworld, and he sees his friends nightmares, that he begins to understand.
As he watches one friend after another face their fears, he gets the courage to face his own.
But is too late? Is he stuck in the Netherworld forever?

I'm not going to post a spoiler. You will have to read it for yourselves.
Maybe you will be lucky enough to win the first book in the trilogy.
Yes there are tow more to look forward to!


Patricia J. Weaver said...

looks like something I might like or be... did it have my name somewhere in that book.

Catch My Words said...

This sounds wonderful. I'm so happy to have won!