Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Goal is a Dream with a Deadline

While enjoying the Black Friday deals and browsing the shops, I came across this saying:
A Goal is dream with a deadline.

That caught my eye because I am a goal setter. A list maker. I like to cross things off my list.
This past week while my boss was on vacation, he gave me a list of things to have done by the time he came.
I finished the last one and enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment.
For those doing the NaNoWriMo or something close to it, the time is getting near. Have you reached your goal? Don't you love the feeling that you have accomplished more this month?

Did you set goals for this year? Did you cross any of them off?
This year I had set a goal of reviewing two books a month and then giving them away.
I have done this every month.
By doing this I  made some new friends and reconnected with old friends. It was a happy day when on Friday I received a rejection notice, because in the mail that same day I received a thank you note from one of the winners. Even though we haven't met I felt a connection that far out weighed the rejection notice.

It is not too early to be thinking about next years goal. And it's not too late to enter to receive one of the two books I'm giving away this month.

What have you marked off your list? What would you like to accomplish next year?

See you next week and I'll announce the winners so check back to see if you won!


Catch My Words said...

Writing goals and crossing them off might involve work, so no, I didn't do that. However, I admire those organized people who do.

Thanks for the book!

Sheila Renfro said...

You rock Joyce! How is your writing going?