Sunday, August 21, 2016

Writer with a Day Job by Aine Greaney

August book giveaway by Aine Greaney

Let's face it not all of us can afford to quit our day job and write full time. My day job has benefits that I just can't afford to lose at this time in my life. But that doesn't mean I can't have a writing career too.
Sometimes I do struggle to find the time or have difficulty looking for the right word, finding the right market to tap, or just having time to research!
If you are working full time and want to write too, then this is the book for you.

At 233 pages, Aine Greaney gives you lots of resources and encouragement to keep doing what you love. It is divided into five sections:
Section 1: Getting Started
Section 2: Let's Go - Start the habit of daily writing
Section 3:Integrating Writing into your work day
Section 4:Making Your Writing Better: Reviewing and Revising
Section 5: Twenty Author Interviews
It also includes an index.

Writer Beware tips are scattered throughout  the text, lists of free resources with links are posted and thoughts on rising early or writing after work.

I love the section on integrating writing in your work day. The titles of the chapters in this section are:
Chapter 8: Drive Time: thinking out loud on the Road
Tutorial 3: Creating memorable characters
Chapter 9: All Aboard! Turn your train ride or bus ride into writing time.
Tutorial 4: Writing Great Setting
Chapter 10: Before, During and After Work: Grab your writing time when you can
Chapter 11: Writers, Take Back Your Lunch Hour ( I don't have an hour)
Tutorial 5: Writing Dialogue
Chapter 12: Truth and Fiction: Writing About Other People- Including Your Colleagues.

If you would like to win this book please leave a comment or enter through  the Rafflecoptor.

See you next week!


George Anthony Kulz said...

Hi! Rafflecopter wasn't working so leaving a comment here. Thanks for the opportunity!

Nancy Kelly Allen said...

Sounds like a wonderful book for anyone who writes.

Evelyn said...

You are always so generous to share, Sheila. Thank you!

Jennifer Williams-Fields said...

Definitely looks like an interesting book. I hope to win, but if not I'll still be adding to my want-to-read list!

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