Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fisrt Week Of NaNoWriMo

I made it through the first week of NaNoWriMo. I haven't given up and except for one day; made my minimum goal of 1667 words.

So far I have completed 15672 words towards my 50,000 novel. I like seeing my scale go up and up.
I did some preplanning and read up on how to tackle this goal.

I started with a completely new story idea. I did a little bit of plotting before the month began. (I wish I had done more).

The three act novel idea is beginning to sink in. I don't know yet if I will go back and revise this novel or perhaps continue the work on the WIP I have been dragging out.

But just by the shear will of sitting down and typing words, trying to make them fit into a plot, I   understand more now what I need to do before writing.

I also know that even if I have only a few minutes, I can get a lot accomplished. This has been very rewarding for me.

I do have the first week doubts to conquer, but conquer I will. If I complete this challenge, then I will have completed my first ever novel from beginning to end.

Also, I have found my husband to very supportive in this effort. He checks to make sure I have met my goal for the day.

1 comment:

Irene Latham said...

So proud for your progress! Keep going!!! xo