Monday, August 31, 2015

First Day of School Writing Prompt

I loved the beginning of school and looked forward to getting new clothes. It was the only time I got something that wasn't a hand me down. Then of course there were the books, lunchboxes and brand new crayons! Do you remember the waxy smell of the crayons as you pulled them out and tried to use them without breaking their perfect pointed ends? Construction paper and the smell of a freshly sharpened pencil?

Thinking back to my very first of school, I can remember standing outside with my new dress on and NOT smiling!
I grew up in a neighborhood full of kids my age, but not one of them were in my class.

So here is your assignment: Write a short story that deals in some way with the first day of school.
Leave a comment with the link to the story.
Have fun with it!

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